Even though I've already seen one show (my superpass came early, and without fuss), the Fringe doesn't start till the Beer Tent is up, and for something like the tenth time I was there early today to put it up.
I barely take the bus or metro, walking everywhere, but having wasted time trying to find something for my cordless screwdriver, I had no choice but to take the bus. And the 24 is still taking a detour at Guy, that's happened before but I'm not sure the construction has been going on continuously since last Fringe.
I can remember when few showed up, though usually some trickled in later, but then we often had other things to do too, in those days before more staff came along. It's better organized, there really is a sequence to it all, and some years there was too much overlap. So some years I really worked hard staying till 8pm or so (Jeremy would finally send me home). I should probably stop, with more volunteers I do less, yet staying all day in the sun puts a lot of wear on me right before the Fringe. But not only do I have the tools, I bring food, and I don't know what happens if I don't show up. Some disaster might happen, and then I'd get blamed.
We had a fair number of volunteers, all so eager. Even some returning from last year. Joseph St. Marie came back, for at least a second year (I can't remember about two years ago). When he was leaving, he remembered and handed out his flyers, he's doing "Elevated; Pushing Buttons". Sometimes it's confusing, I just see them as volunteers, and then when they later come back with a show, it almost looks like one of us "made good", but the reality may be different, it may be that they are volunteering because they are already interested in putting on a show. Someone else returned, I think, but my memory is mangled, is the face matching the memory I remember?
The fence is the key thing, and it was late. I only jokingly blamed Amy, it can't be her fault but with a change one has to connect it to other changes. If the fence isn't up before the other things roll in, something stalls. So we spent a while moving things up from the office (which has to be done eventually), and the regulars to the park were able to remain longer than usual. (Usually, there is a steady stream of people wanting to get through the park, because that's what they normally do. Then as we take things down, the fence is barely down, and we aren't finished, when people and animals return to the park. Nature is strong.) The tents. chairs and tables came before the fence arrived, not so good but better than if they arrive together. So when the fence did arrive, we had to rush to get the sections in place behind where the tents go.
Other than the delay, it was a quiet day. Really hot, I don't know if the rash on my arms came from something in the astroturf, or if it was a heat rash
Oddly, I saw nobody coming by wanting to buy tickets (usually someone does, not realizing the box office doesn't open yet, they have to go to Mainline), or people asking what was going on (it always makes sense to have a bundle of programs at the site from early on). One woman walking her dog near the back of the park was glad to see the Fringe returning, I couldn't help but wonder if she lived across the street.
I stayed till about 7pm, though I was hardly working hard all that time. Someone has to keep the volunteers happy.
But then I realized how much it takes out of me, that full day in the sun. So instead of getting something done, vegetating by watching "Singles" rather than sleeping or doing something.