When they opened the actual Venue/school late last summer, I meant to go by, but either it was the wrong time or I didn't have the address. So I finally got into the venue this week, and it's nice. It's not glossy, but it's the kind of venue we need, like the Yellow Door for folk music, or what Studio 303 used to be. An intermediate place where people can start out, but still comfortable enough for the audience. I would argue that some fancy venues are not so comfortable, unless you are used to that life.
I was surprised they had so much space for the stage, but then, no. When they are teaching classes, they need a space to perform, and a place for teh rest to sit and watch. It's not like dance at Studio 303 where we'd ahve to put the chairs and equipment away after the show even if it was being staged the next day, since it would get in the way of classes in the studio.
Bryan (on the right) has been venue managing a lot this week. He and the rest have been around the Fringe for some years now, they are close to qualifying as Fringe Oldtimers, but I don't remember them volunteering. of course, they had to supply their own venue managers, but it's a different role to see him and his lovely assitant. They even have their own set of walkie talkies in addition to those from the Frio they can talk up to their venue.
I put this picture in because whatever night it was, I passed by and thought the guy on the left was some comedian. When I went back, I realized he resembled Lewis Black, and ona subconcious level I thought they were loading up with comedy superstars. But he isn't, he's just "some guy"