Sunday, June 19, 2011

Our Boy Won!!!!

The Drag Races went on as scheduled, the usual crowd (though I didn't stick around to watch).  People arriving early to get seats, and strollers starting to appear when I went off, some people think it's wholesome family goodness.

The big news is the former venue manager did break the gender barrier, running the race as a man, and shock of shocks, she won.  Our team wins, though now I'm confused, was it a win for men or women?

As a prize, I gave her the copy of that Berenstein Bears "No Girls Allowed" taht I bought some years back and featured in the Diary a few years back.  She liked that, she said she liked the Berenstein Bears.  She would have gotten it anway, for merely running the race.

In retrospect, I now see one reason why the boys/girls didn't want the girls/boys to participate.  Running in flat shoes is so much easier than running in high heels, our boy likely won on that basis alone.  So maybe the next time a Drag King participates, there will have to be some handicapping.