Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Someon'e slooking for a Fringe date, or is it just advertising?

According to this post, Let's Just Fringe Together. All Night - m4w someone is looking for a date for the Fringe.  Or maybe not, there are enough telltales in there to suggest it is advertising, 

Once again, in 1998 the Montreal Fringe was on the Mirror's Best of Montreal in the category of Best Pickup Spot.  I have no knowledge of some organized attempt to get it there, I know I voted it deliberately.

In that context, you're better off going to the Fringe and enjoying it, and hope to meet someone.

As I've stated before, if you spend enough time at the Fringe, it is an out of the ordinary experience.  I thought I said it was like summer camp back during the McGill years, but I just found something from about a decade ago  where I quote volunteer Sara, who went on to form   Pony Up! as saying it's like summer camp   The boundaries are different, so it is okay to go up and start talking to someone when in "ordinary" circumstances you wouldn't.  That doesn't make it a good pickup spot, it does make it a great flirting spot and without flirting, nothing else can happen.